Hello! I'm Aditya, a Xoogler with interest in Cloud and JavaScript.

I love building tools that are user-friendly, simple and delightful.
I was a Cloud Engineering Intern at Google where I spent 3 months working on Cloud Technologies like Kubernetes, Anthos, VPCs, Terraform (IaC) etc. My competencies also include front-end and back-end web development, which I demonstrated during my internship at a startup The Wizards.
Through these experiences, I had the opportunity to work with both small and large, specialised and cross-functional teams across different time zones and developed a working style that leans towards flexiblity, clarity and collaboration.
I'm currently looking for a new role as a developer. Hire me?


Some of the Internships that I've did:


June 2023 - August 2023

Cloud Solutions Engineer

  • Demonstrated a $600 savings for every 100 cases by optimizing Anthos Service Mesh, implementing Terraform efficiency, and streamlining resource allocation for clients.
  • Contributed to optimized Service Mesh and Composer resource allocation through high-level design, reducing provisioning time and costs by 30%.
# Terraform # Anthos Service Mesh # Google Cloud Platform

The Wizards

June 2022 - July 2022

Full Stack Developer

  • Spearheaded a codebase optimization initiative for a blog website by implementing a Tailwind CSS frontend overhaul, resulting in a remarkable 35% reduction in codebase size.
  • As a Technical Team Lead, I enhanced team proficiency by more than 20%, fostering growth and productivity within the technical team.
# Javascript # React.js # Express.js # Technical Leadership


Some of the projects that I've worked on:


  • Worked on a Google LLC Internal Tool for Technical Solutions Engineers.
  • Automated the process of Anthos Service Mesh Environment Creation using Terraform.
# Terraform # Anthos Service Mesh # Cloud Composer # Google Cloud Platform

TrackHire - Job Application Tracker

  • Developed a Job Tracker, leveraging local memory for efficient caching and seamless data storage.
  • Leveraged Zustand for efficient state management, ensuring synchronization of job application statuses.
# Next.js # Zustand # Typescript # shadcn/ui


  • Enhanced blog application with 40% faster loading, 25% better UI.
  • Enabled 35% quicker data retrieval, boosting security by 50%.
# JavaScript # Tailwind CSS # React.js # Express.js # MongoDB

eBuy Shopping

  • Crafted a MERN eCommerce platform with Admin Panel and Payment Gateway integration.
  • Implemented React Redux and Redux Toolkit for efficient state management.
# React.js # Node.js # Express.js # MongoDB # Redux Toolkit

Bid Crush

  • Developed an online platform for global antique trade.
  • Included fully functional login and sign-up pages with MySQL integration.
# HTML5 # CSS3 # php # XAMPP # phpMyAdmin # MySQL

CipherCraft - Password Generator

  • Generate strong, unique passwords, ensuring enhanced security for your online accounts.
  • Used Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI for styling the components.
# HTML5 # CSS3 # Tailwind CSS # JavaScript # DaisyUI



I have done a lot of certifications throughout my entire course of Bachelors in Engineering. You can find them on Certifications page.

Get in Touch

Do you have a job opportunity or idea you'd like to discuss? Feel free to reach me at careers.ady@gmail.com. You can also find me on Twitter, Github and Linkedin.